
Calisthenics WA

Parent/Guardian Consent

By payment of the Association affiliation fee, parents/guardians consent to the following:

  • Information provided on this form may be used by the Calisthenics Association of WA (“the Association”) for the administration of the sport of  calisthenics and in accordance with the objects of the Association. This information will be held in an Association database at the Association office and may be forwarded to the Australian Calisthenics Federation (“ACF”) for use in the administration of the sport of calisthenics on a national level and in accordance with the objects of the ACF. Members can access their personal information through the Association upon request.
  • The member’s name and photograph (but not address) may be recorded and/or published in any form of CAWA and ACF media including video, live streaming, website, social media, newsletters, reports and programs (whether printed or electronic) for the purpose of calisthenics.
  • Photos during competition presentations may be taken and published by the audience.
  • Video may be recorded of the member whilst training and during Association (or club) performances. Such videos may be used for:
  • family keepsakes by family members or other members.
  • by or for coaching staff to be used for coaching purposes.
  • by or for adjudicators for adjudication purposes.
  • Information about calisthenics may be sent to the member from time to time by mail or email.

Authorisation may be retracted at any time; such retraction to be submitted in writing and forwarded to CAWA Administration, via email at info@calisthenicswa.com.au or PO Box 1464, Midland DC WA 6936.

West Coast Calisthenics Club

I understand that the fees for 2025 can be paid in full at the start of term 1 or paid in 3 instalments on or before the first class of term 1, term 2 and term 3 unless a prior written agreement has been made with the Treasurer.  (Payment plans are available and eligible members can apply for Kidsport, please contact the Treasurer for further assistance)

  •  I understand that I may be responsible for sewing/sequinning my child’s costumes (help/guidance is available) I have read and agreed to comply with the West Coast Calisthenics Club's Code of Conduct.
  • I understand that our family will be required to complete a minimum of 3 hrs of volunteer time, which may include a roster at the Calisthenics Association of Western Australia Midvale complex (applies to all families from Sub- Junior 2 to Seniors).
  • I understand that I am responsible for my child’s access to the West Coast Calisthenics Club Facebook Page and interactions on social media with other members.
  • My name, address, phone number and e-mail address can be given to other class members for purposes of car-pooling, roster duties etc. (please tick yes or no when filling in online registration)
  • My child’s photograph (with no personal details) can be used to promote calisthenics on the West Coast web site, flyers and/or West Coast Calisthenics Club Facebook page. (please tick yes or no when filling in online registration)


West Coast Calisthenics Club expects all club members in Junior age sections and above to adhere to the following code of conduct:

Trainings sessions

Attend all weekly training sessions and second training sessions as requested by your team coach. Extenuating circumstances may be family or school commitments; however, a second sport would not be considered extenuating.

  • Be prepared for training, arrive on time with equipment, come dressed in a leotard with hair tied up, preferably in a bun.
  • Ensure you have practiced and are ready to train (Your team will benefit, so will you).
  • Be a good sport, treat all participants in your sport as you like to be treated. Do not bully or take unfair advantage of another team member.
  • Be frank and honest with your coach about illness and injury and your ability to train fully.  Provide copies of medical advice where appropriate.
  • Never argue with coach. If you disagree, speak to your team coordinator or your parent.  Verbal abuse of coaches or team members will not be tolerated
  • Participate for your own enjoyment and benefit, not just to please parents and coaches.
  • Respect the rights, dignity and worth of all participants regardless of their gender, ability, cultural background or religion.


  • Cooperate with your coach, be on time and follow instructions throughout the day.
  • Show respect to your team-mates and opponents. Without them there would be no competition.
  • Maintain high personal behaviour standards, conduct yourself in a professional manner relating to language and temper.
  • Follow the rules set by West Coast Calisthenics Club, the CAWA (Calisthenics Association of Western Australian) and the ACF (Australian Calisthenics Federation).

Consequences for Breach of the Code of Conduct

The West Coast Committee in consultation with the Team Coach reserves the right to discipline any person in breach of this Code of Conduct in a manner which they deem is appropriate and fair, or at a future time that is agreed upon. Breaches of the Code of Conduct will be dealt with on an individual basis. Breaches of this Code of Conduct may result in any of the following consequences:

  • Verbal warning
  • Written warning
  • Removal from the team
  • Removal from the Club

I have read the above and will comply with the Code of Conduct, when you tick below you are agreeing to these terms on behalf of your self if over 18 year or on behalf of your child if under 18 years.


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